3 Ways to Inspire People with Your Writing

Writing is powerful. Even a single sentence or phrase can instantly uplift or deflate our spirits. To propel our mission-based work forward, we need to use this power strategically. There are times to connect people with the sadness, fear, or anger that are indispensable for truly understanding a problem and being spurred into action to solve it. Generally, though, the best way to make the most positive difference is to leave people feeling inspired by the time they finish reading your writing.

In this Flight Log, start by exploring 4 different ways that inspiring your readers can help advance your work to better our world, or click here to jump ahead to 3 writer’s craft techniques that will inspire just about anyone.


4 Ways That Inspiring Your Readers Helps Your Cause:

 1. It empowers readers to take positive actions.

Focusing too much on frightening or disheartening problems can leave readers feeling paralyzed or helpless to make a difference, and send them running for pleasant diversions to make them feel better. Inspiring readers, on the other hand, makes them feel ready and energized to take action.


2. It improves readers’ lives.

Our world is plagued by an epidemic of negative thinking, so reading something positive can be instantaneously uplifting. If people take action after reading it, they feel even better. Even if they don’t act, however, reading positive messages on a regular basis still helps reprogram how people think. It trains us  to think more positively in all areas of our lives. Thus, you are making a difference not only for your direct clients or constituents, but for everyone reading your messaging.


3. It builds positive associations with your organization/business.

If you make people feel good, they will feel good about you. The result is greater loyalty to purchasing, volunteering, donating, and referring others to you.


4. It will keep you and your employees feeling good about your work.

It’s easy to get stuck in the daily grind and lose connection to your passion for the work you do. Writing and reading inspiring language can help keep you and your staff pumped up to keep pushing, keep fighting, and keep making a difference.


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  • yes, I have practiced choosing words that express one idea in a constructive context. Way-showing positive speech patterns is a great service. The patterns trickle down into the attitudes and behavior patterns of society over time .

    September 09, 2014
    • Erica

      Absolutely, Leonore!

      September 11, 2014

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